Commercial Umbrella Insurance in Temple, TX | David Coufal Insurance

David Coufal: The Better Name for Commercial Umbrella Insurance


Commercial Umbrella Insurance: The Missing Piece of Your Business Coverage?

If you own a small business, you might occasionally wonder if your existing insurance coverages are enough to fully protect you against a liability claim. Maybe you feel like something's missing—almost like you've forgotten something. Maybe you sometimes worry about it. If your business was judged legally liable for an accident on your premises and ordered to pay, would your general liability insurance be enough?

If you don't carry commercial umbrella insurance, you're right to worry. (1)

Umbrella Liability Insurance: Extra Coverage When Accidents Happen

Carrying general liability insurance is a responsible move, but every business needs coverages above and beyond basic policies. That's where your umbrella policy comes in.

Umbrella liability insurance protects you when unexpected accidents happen, and your existing liability insurance policies can't cover all of the expenses.

In most situations, standard business liability coverage will take care of you. But when serious situations arise, umbrella liability insurance will help ensure that your business and your investments are protected. While no one wants accidents to happen, they do—and people sue over them; it’s just an unfortunate fact of life. Be sure to plan ahead and protect your business from any unanticipated accidents or issues by allowing David Coufal Insurance Agency the opportunity to find the policy you need to protect your business' future.

For a Free Insurance Quote Contact David Coufal Insurance Agency Inc

Got questions about how much coverage is appropriate for your business or other questions related to commercial coverage? At David Coufal, we’ve got the answers you need to make informed insurance decisions.

If you need Commercial Umbrella Insurance in Temple, TX or Central Texas, call David Coufal Insurance Agency today at (254) 986-2448! For your free online insurance quote, fill out the quote form on this page!

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